Who We Are: Active Aging Canada’s History, Mission, Principles & More
We are a national not-for-profit organization committed to promoting healthy aging among older Canadian adults from coast to coast to coast.
In 1993, three groups dedicated to advancing active living for older adults - the National Walking Campaign, Active Living and Older Adults Blueprint Implementation Committee, and the Secretariat for Fitness in the Third Age - met to plan the merger of their organizations. Their interest was in implementing "Move through the Years: A Blueprint for Action'' and in effectively promoting active living for older adults. Their initiative led to the coming together, in 1995, of several organizations with an interest in health, aging, physical activity and the creation of healthy environments. Each was committed to promoting a culture and environment that motivated older Canadians to include physical activity as an essential part of daily living. Together, they tapped into a synergy created from a recognition of both commonalities and individual strengths. What emerged was a unique collaborative partnership - the Active Living Coordinating Centre for Older Adults (ALCCOA). In 1997 the Coordinating Centre evolved into a Coalition to better reflect their structure and purpose.
In April 1998, the Roundtable Members met in Toronto to reaffirm their commitment to ALCOA. Several new organizations were invited to participate in the strategic planning of ALCOA and our networks broadened. In 1999, ALCOA held its first official Annual General Meeting and incorporated federally.
In 2013, the Board initiated discussions and spent considerable time and energy over the next two years to complete a thorough review of its name, mission, vision and bylaws. Many consultations were held with the Board,
ALCOA members, and key individuals in
the aging sector.
In 2016 the Board of Directors unanimously approved the motion and the members at the Annual General Meeting unanimously ratified the new name, mission, vision and by-laws.
Active Aging Canada is a charitable, not-for-profit organization. Charitable Tax Registration Number – 88821 3923 RR0001
Interested in making a difference in the lives of older Canadians? The need is urgent, and you can help.
Learn more about donating to Active Aging Canada.
Healthy living for life
Support lifelong healthy active aging of adult Canadians through participation, education, research, and promotion.
Definition of active living
Active Aging Canada subscribes to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) definition of active living as:
A way of life in which physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual activities are valued and are integrated into daily living.
Active Aging Canada sees its role within the scope of this broad and inclusive definition, with its primary focus is on the promotion of physical activity, while recognizing the critical linkages of physical health with social, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.
- We undertake public education sessions and publication of educational material of general interest and with respect to special projects within Canada regarding the health benefits of active healthy aging for adults and older adults.
- We undertake and communicate in plain language to the public and practitioners, research and study results into the health benefits of active healthy aging for adults and older adults.
- We offer training opportunities through various methods, for community leaders throughout Canada, to provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to facilitate healthy living workshops in their community.
In keeping with its role, Active Aging Canada is committed to upholding and advocating the following principles:
- Respect the experiences, contributions and resources of older Canadians by recognizing and integrating them
- Inclusion of older adults in all planning and decision making
- Diversity is embraced by respecting all points of view
- Meaningful partnerships are formed to work together with other individuals and organizations
- Consensus is strived for in decision-making
- Access to all older adults inclusive of socio-economic status, Aboriginal peoples, ethno-cultural background, geographic locations, and ability
- Equity by recognizing that everyone, regardless of present level of ability, capability and economic status, can improve their well-being through active living
As a voice for active living among older adults Active Aging Canada works to:
- Foster communication, collaboration and coordination for active aging amongst its members and other related organizations and individuals
- Facilitate knowledge translation of research to practice related to older adults and active aging
- Promote older adults and active aging as a priority on the political, health and social agendas within Canadian society by conveying consistent, persuasive key messages developed by its members to prominent and influential individuals and organizations
Active Aging Canada Board of Directors 2024-25
Executive Directors & Executive Committee
One Minute Update - a newsletter for members
Active Aging Network - current research tips on aging well