Staying Safe as an Older Driver

January 7, 2022
By: Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Age alone does not make an older adult an unsafe driver. But age-related changes can affect driving skill. These changes include poorer vision, reduced hearing, slowed reaction times, and less confidence in unfamiliar or busy environments. Warning signs of unsafe driving Driving too fast or too slow for conditions Having trouble w...
The Power of Strength Training for Older Adults

December 31, 2021
Over the years, adults lose muscle mass and therefore strength. Power – the ability to contract muscles quickly – also is reduced. These changes in the brain, nerves, and muscles can cause problems in living safely and independently. Older adults may become less able, or even unable, to take part in their favourite activities. They may also be at risk of falling. Some will simply be unable to g...
Research shows staying active can prevent depression

December 24, 2021
by Guy Faulkner, PhD & George Mammen PhD (c) This article is a brief summary of a research paper published on the Alberta Centre for Active Living website in their “Research Update” February 2014, Vol 21, No 1. The article was written by Guy Faulkner, PhD and George Mammen PhD (c). Depression is a growing mental health problem worldwide. The World Health Organization predicts that by ...
Exercise for Your Heart’s Sake: It’s Never Too Late

December 17, 2021
By M.T. Sharratt, PhD Heart disease is the number one killer of older men and women. That fact is unlikely to change in the near future because the population of older people is growing faster than any other age group. And among older people, heart disease is more common than any other disability except arthritis. People used to think that only men got heart disease, but in fact it’...
Vitamin D: Bone health and more!

December 11, 2021
For decades, we have known that vitamin D builds stronger bones by helping your body absorb calcium. Recent research suggests that vitamin D may also decrease your risk for breast, prostate, and colon cancer. “Besides helping to prevent osteoporosis, there is strong evidence from the last five to 10 years that maintaining your levels of vitamin D actually helps to reduce cancer,” says Heathe...
Myths About Exercise and Aging

December 4, 2021
By: Jan Cochrane, RN, BSN, CDE People often pass along myths or misconceptions from one generation to the next. For instance, your mother may have told you it’s important to wear clean underwear in case of an accident, something she probably learned from her mother. But nurses will tell you that no one in acute care--or anywhere for that matter--even notices something so trivial during the t...
Why we need more vitamin B12 as we age?

November 27, 2021
by Kaylen Pfisterer, BSc, RIA Research Associate and the Assistant Research Coordinator Every cell in our body needs vitamin B12 to grow properly. Over time, not having enough B12 can increase the risk of: memory problems heart disease extra-large, unhealthy blood cells loss of feeling in the hands or feet. As a result, vitamin B12 deficiency can impact the quality of life o...
Should I be Vaccinated?

November 19, 2021
Vaccines are not just for children. Immunizations are the most effective and long lasting protection against disease. It’s important to keep your immunizations up to date. The ‘pneumonia vaccine’ Pneumococcal Disease or ‘PD’ is an infection caused by a type of bacteria (Streptococcus pneumoniae). When this bug invades the body, it can lead to serious illness, such as pneumonia. But the bacter...
Simple Exercises to Keep Older Adults Moving – Part 3

November 13, 2021
By: John C. Griffin, MSc. Functional mobility means being able to do the things we need to do in normal daily life efficiently and without undue fatigue or pain. Good functional mobility is part of a healthy, safe, and active life. This is our third posting on functional mobility. In each posting, we offer you a screening test that helps you spot problems with functional mobility. The...
Simple exercises to keep Older Adults Moving – Part 2

November 6, 2021
By John C. Griffin, MSc. Functional mobility means being able to do the things we need to do in normal daily life efficiently and without undue fatigue or pain. Good functional mobility is part of a healthy, safe, and active life. This is our second posting on functional mobility. In each posting, we offer you a screening test that helps you identify problems with functional mobility. The...

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