Good Mental Health

October 29, 2021
by Gim Ong, MBA, MDiv As we age, we tend to be forgetful. The fear of losing brain capacity & memory looms large for the 14 million plus baby boomers in Canada. Many of us worry about Alzheimer’s disease, but statistics show 80% of us will never get Alzheimer’s. Regardless of genetics or family history, the choices we make in lifestyle can slow the progression of age-related cogniti...
Mobility A “Use it or Lose it” Phenomenon

October 23, 2021
by Sandra Webber, PhD Most people don’t need to be convinced of the importance of being able to get around. It’s vital for independence. It means being out there in the community when and where we choose. It means easy connections to friends and family. Mobility is closely linked to both physical and psychological health. When mobility is impaired by problems such as arthritis or being ov...
Is mealtime just not the same anymore?

October 16, 2021
by Rita Barbieri, BASc., RD & Tracy Morris BA, BASc. As we age, it is important to maintain a healthy weight. If an older person lives alone, eating enough can sometimes be a challenge. Cooking for one or two can be tough. Food may not be as interesting and may not even taste as good because we lose our ability to fully taste food as we get older. This can make it hard to maintain your ...
Apple picking within everyone’s reach

October 8, 2021
A unique non-profit organization called Kéroul has dedicated itself to promoting tourism for people with physical disabilities within the province of Québec. Accessibility is a key issue for the disabled and elderly, and Kéroul offers more than 200 tourism experiences that meet its standards, forming what is called The Accessible Road. Kéroul has trained 1400 people in the hospitality and to...
Time to stop talking & just do it!

October 2, 2021
by Sandra J. Hartley, MPE, EdD Be honest. We all talk ourselves in and out of things. This “self-talk” is part of our psyche’s motivation system. But when it comes to getting more physically active, it may be best to stop listening to your inner voice and “just do it.” Research on the self-talk of older women found that unmotivated people self-talk a lot, and talk themselves into doing n...
What Active Living Is All About

September 25, 2021
Put very simply; it is a way of life. It is about maintaining a balance in your life of the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. It is about choosing activities that you enjoy, and including them in your daily routine. It is about staying connected with friends. Your mental health is as important as your physical health. It is about making good food choices. B...
Preventing falls is about balance – physical, medical, and nutritional

September 18, 2021
Anyone can fall. But according to Health Canada, seniors fall more often, and the consequences are more serious. More than one in three Canadians over 65 will fall each year. Half will have an injury that reduces their mobility and independence. Physical changes that occur with aging increase the risk of falling. Muscles lose strength and flexibility. Balance reflexes slow down. Vision is poor...
Do you know how to compensate when you move?

September 11, 2021
by John C. Griffin, MSc As people get older, they lose mobility. It is the first area where most older adults become impaired or disabled. In fact, De Brito and colleagues (2013) found that the ability to rise from the floor was a significant predictor of mortality in 51- to 80-year-olds. That means that people who could not get up after sitting on the floor were more likely to die early than ...
Get involved in the arts and invest in your health

September 4, 2021
by Nancy Cooley, Being involved with the arts is fun, but did you know that it can contribute to your health? The benefits come from active involvement like dancing, singing, and painting and more receptive involvement, such as going to a concert or the theatre, strolling through an art gallery, or going to a local arts festival. Researchers in the United States and Scandinavia found that the ...
The first step to success is saying yes

August 28, 2021
Change is very difficult for anyone. There will be challenges, whether you are changing your diet, starting a new activity, or trying to quit smoking. It is natural to feel frustrated, anxious, nervous, uncomfortable, or unsure. The first step to success with any behaviour change is to be ready and willing to try it. Small steps add up to real changes over time. Be patient with yourself and ce...

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