June 2018
Community of Practice News
We are very pleased with the response to our launch of the Active Aging Community of Practice. At last count 68 individual have registered on the site. A survey was recently sent out to those who identified themselves as a ‘researcher’, to determine the needs of those individuals as it relates to knowledge translation. Regular Communiques are also being sent out to all those who have registered. For more information and to register, the CoP link can be found on the top right corner of our website.
Member Profile
CAAWS - Building a Foundation of Physical Literacy for Women 55-70+
The Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS) is a 37-year old not for profit organization focused on achieving equity for women of all ages through the power of sport and physical activity.
Since 2005, CAAWS has been working on a variety of initiatives aimed at getting more women aged 55-70+ engaged in physical activity and sport as participants and leaders. This age group was identified as a gap as these women, although over age 55, do not always consider themselves ‘seniors’ or ‘older adults’. These women are looking to continue what they did or do (e.g. basketball or hockey) but they want something tailored for them.
To help better understand the needs of women 55-70+ around physical activity and sport, CAAWS has conducted cross Canada focus groups, facilitated numerous workshops and supported pilot projects to develop best practices. More recently, CAAWS partnered with the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC), and the Coaching Association of Ontario (CAO) to develop a project focused on increasing physical literacy for women 55-70+ through fundamental movement skills (FMS).
For more information on the CAAWS Women 55-70+ project, including pilot projects, videos and resources please visit our new website:
Membership News
Renewals notices have been sent out to all members. Thanks to those of you who have renewed so quickly, and a friendly reminder to those who have yet to renew their membership. Your membership is critical to the success of Active Aging Canada. Your support to disseminate information and share our resources is key to spreading the word about healthy aging.
The Annual General Meeting for the voting members of Active Aging Canada is scheduled for Friday June 22, 2018. The agenda confirming the time will be sent out shortly. The Annual Report was emailed on Friday June 1 to all members. Please share this Report with your Board members and other colleagues who may be interested in our work.
Patricia Clark
National Executive Director