Promoting Physical Activity to Older Adults
Resources for Practitioners
As a health care practitioner, you know it’s important to help your older clients/patients to become more physically active.
Developed by our partners the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology and Exercise is Medicine® Canada and with our research director, the goal of these three evidence-based companion resources is to support practitioners in their efforts to promote physical activity to older adults.
Promoting Physical Activity for Older Adults (65y+) – A resource for practitioners - PDF
The resource for practitioners provides information on safe physical activity participation for older adults, exercise clearance, and tips for counselling older adults on becoming more physically active.
Pre-Activity Screening - PDF
The pre-activity screening tool provides guidance on types of screening clearance, when medical clearance is needed, and information on common medications and their interaction with exercise.
Physical Activity for Older Adults (65y+) – A Resource to share with patients / clients - PDF
The physical activity for older adults resource is a simple to read 4-page booklet that informs older adults about the benefits of being physically active, what types of activity they need to do for healthy aging, and tips for increasing confidence and motivation.
Benefits of Physical Activity for Older Adults Poster - PDF
You can display the poster and order the “Physical Activity for Older Adults” brochure to distribute to older clients/patients.
Order the Practitioner’s Toolkit.
Limited Stock Available
Free copy of:
Promoting Physical Activity for Older Adults
Physical Activity Screening
Benefits of Physical Activity for Older Adults Poster
Copies of Physical Activity for Older Adults Booklet (limit of 50)
Email to order.
Delivery in 4-6 weeks.
More Resources:
Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Adults aged 65 years and older
CSEP Movement Counselling Tool for Adults 65+
CSEP Pre-screening for physical activity – The Get Active Questionnaire
EIMC Exercise Prescription and Referral Tool
ACSM EIM Rx for Health Series
A series on today's most common chronic conditions and their exercise prescriptions
Government of Canada - Physical activity tips for older adults (65 years and older)
Bone Fit™
Find a Bone Fit™ trained professional in your community for safe, effective, evidence-based exercises for those living with osteoporosis.
Cancer and Exercise Program Directory- Canada
Key Strategies to Prevent Falls in Seniors from Parachute Canada
We acknowledge funding from the CIHR Institute of Aging