ALCOA's National Forum on Older Adults and Active Living was held May 13 - 16, 1999 in London, Ontario and was hosted by the Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging. The Forum was attended by more than 230 older adults, health and fitness professionals and researchers from across the country.

In celebration of the International Year for Older Persons (IYOP), this event was an opportunity for representatives from several disciplines to share their ideas. Themes included: Fit to be Active, Muscles for Movement, Quality of Life in Active Living, Well- Being in Dependent Living, and Activity for Special Populations.

Keynote speakers included: Don Paterson, University of Western Ontario, Audrey Hicks, McMaster University, Andrew Wister, Simon Fraser University, Tamas Fulop, University de Sherbrooke, Barbara Drinkwater, Pacific Medical Centre, Seattle, and Bengt Saltin, University of Copenhagen.

Proceedings will be produced, and will include presentation abstracts, breakout session summaries, and key recommendations that will take us into the new millennium of active living for older adults. For information on Forum Proceedings, contact the Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging (519) 661 - 1603, e-mail, Website:

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