Collaborative Mechanisms to Strengthen the Active Living / Healthy Aging Sector

Summary Report

Collaborative Mechanisms to Strengthen the Active Living / Healthy Aging Sector

Project Number: 6785-15-2005/4340198

The goal of this project was to seek to improve the effectiveness of the active living and healthy aging sector by developing linkages, networks, and partnerships that will promote the sharing and utilization of knowledge, experiences and resources.

The Project Objective was to design and establish a vehicle for communicating on issues that relate to active living / healthy aging as a method for increasing the base of membership.

During the course of the project the following activities were undertaken and the following results were accomplished:

  • A membership offering was designed on the basis of the feedback received from potential member organizations. This was followed by a membership drive that included contacting 1029 potential members by phone, mailing out membership information to 935 potential members, and sending 334 emails
  • The membership drive resulted in 50 new ALCOA members. These new Corresponding members cover 10 provinces and territories and the breakdown of the membership is as follows:  Alberta - 4; British Columbia - 11; Manitoba - 6; New Brunswick - 3; Newfoundland - 2; Northwest Territories - 1; Nova Scotia - 3; Ontario - 17; Quebec - 2; and Saskatchewan – 1.
  • A communication vehicle was designed in the shape of the 6 page ACBO News newsletter. Each year this newsletter will be produced and disseminated to all the new members.
  • A system of receiving regular feedback from the new members was designed in the shape of Annual Survey. ALCOA staff has been trained on conducting this survey and preparing a summary of the survey results
  • A new ALCOA Community Based Organization Committee (ACBO committee) was established. This Committee is comprised of representatives from the new members. This committee draws from the new members and includes representation from Alberta, BC, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and the Northwest Territory. ALCOA also organized an in-person meeting of the ACBO Committee on 7 April 2006 in Toronto
  • A directory of resources and programs available with ALCOA Roundtable member organizations has been designed. This RMR Directory 2006 is to be sent each year to the new members. 

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