Celebrating Seniors: Mall Movers cross Canada and back!
June 275, 2016
Toronto, ON
Toronto, ON - June 27, 2016 Mall Movers are really burning up the walkways in seven malls in the GTA! The Mall Movers program offers a free weekly stretch and strengthen class, followed by walking the mall. The free program helps seniors add exercise and socializing to their daily routine, which promotes healthy active aging. Since the launch of the mall walk program eight months ago in October, participants have cumulatively walked over 9750 KM in total — the distance from PEI to the Yukon and back!
“Physical activity is the foundation for optimal aging. It is important for older adults, to have a safe, barrier free environment in which to be active, and the local malls provide the perfect venue,” says Dr. Bert Taylor, ALCOA’s Past Chairman. The Mall Movers program is open to the community, with the 30-minute stretch and strengthen class lead by a certified fitness instructor. The walkers currently meet in seven malls throughout the GTA: Bridlewood Mall; Centerpoint Mall; East York Town Centre; Eglinton Mall; Lawrence Square; Woodbine Centre; Yorkgate Mall. A six month evaluation recently confirmed that the walkers have fun, socialize, are more physically active, have increased their independence, and feel better! For more information on the benefits of physical activity and the Mall Movers program, visit www.activeagingcanada.ca.
The mall walk program, entitled Mall Movers, is a program initiated and administered by ALCOA — the Active Living Coalition for Older Adults, and the program is funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Mall Movers is also supported by: ParticipACTION; Heart and Stroke Foundation; Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging, UWO; Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability; Square One Older Adult Centre; Older Adults Centres’ Association of Ontario. Hearing Solutions is a corporate sponsor of the program and has provided free hearing screening for participants at all participating malls.
The Active Living Coalition for Older Adults (ALCOA) is a national charity, incorporated in 1999, and strives to promote a society where all older Canadians are leading active lifestyles that contribute to their overall well-being and independence. ALCOA’s mandate is to positively affect the social, mental, and physical wellbeing of adult Canadians through outreach, research and programs like the Mall Movers.
For more information please visit www.activeagingcanada.ca or contact:
Patricia Clark, ALCOA National Executive Director
1.800.549.9799 exdir@activeagingcanada.ca